Staking Ecosystem
The staking feature consists of the primary and secondary LP pool and allows users to stake their TPAD tokens as well as farm TPAD tokens by adding liquidity into pancakeswap and then staking the LP tokens. The staking feature also serves as a mechanism for the membership tier system.
Token Staking
Our primary staking pool is comprised of 4 staking pools, each with its own lockup time and APY. The higher the IDO/IGO allocations, the longer the lockup time.
The 4 different Token Staking pools are as follows
7 Days: Those who stake in this pool will receive a fixed APY of 20%, and early withdrawal will result in a 5% penalty.
30 Days: Those who stake in this pool will receive a fixed APY of 40%, and early withdrawal will result in a 7% penalty.
180 Days: Those who stake in this pool will receive a fixed APY of 70%, and early withdrawal will result in a 15% penalty.
365 Days: Those who stake in this pool will receive a fixed APY of 100%, and early withdrawal will result in a 30% penalty.
The Token Staking Pool also has the following features:
It is important to note that if you stake in more than one pool, your membership will default to the highest pool you are staking in.
You can always stake more tokens if you are already staking in a pool. It should be noted that adding more tokens to the same pool will restart the lockup duration.
The claim button can be used to withdraw rewards at any time; this does not reset the lockup duration.
Stakers can continue to stake and earn the APY of the respective pools after the lockup period expires.
Tokens can be unstaked partially or completely after the lockup period expires. If the user unstakes a portion, the lockup for the remainder is reset.
Liquidity Pool Staking
Our secondary LP Staking pool provides a more aggressive APY, with LP tokens earning a whopping fixed 120% APY! To receive LP tokens, stakers simply need to pair TorkPad tokens with BNB via PancakeSwap. These LP tokens can then be staked on our dapp for an extremely profitable passive income source.
The following are the functions of the Liquidity Staking Pool:
Liquidity staking has no lockup period.
Liquidity Stakers have the ability to add or remove liquidity at any time.
Rewards are available for withdrawal at any time.
Last updated